SAP System Health Check


SAP System Health Check

Guide to SAP System Health Check

Whether you want to find out if your SAP system is up to date or make sure that it has all of the latest features, a system health check can help you do that. It can also help you determine whether your SAP system is running smoothly and if it needs an update.

In this article, we’ll show you how to run an SAP system health check and what to look for.

What is SAP monitoring?

Ensuring that your Sap systems are running efficiently without performance issues is crucial for your business. SAP monitoring is a routine check of the state of SAP systems to ensure that they are continually running without issues. This process can be manual, where SAP basis administrators check the system state after a given duration, or it can be automated. Some of the procedures in system monitoring include:

  • Checking application servers
  • Monitoring system-wide work processes
  • Monitoring individual instances’ work process
  • Monitoring system log
  • Monitoring lock entries
  • CPU utilisation
  • Buffer statistic
  • Monitoring update processes
  • Database check

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Why do SAP system health check?

SAP health checks offer numerous benefits:

  • Helps you identify the points of failure and fix it
  • Improves productivity and confidence and may help you eliminate the cost of acquiring more hardware for new workloads
  • Promotes efficient processing of business
  • Prepares you to handle unexpected downtime
  • Helps you get better support from software providers by ensuring that your system is running on up-to-date software versions
  • Help you plan for your business’s future growth through the demonstration of your current hardware utilisation and your growth trends
  • Helps you identify new technologies that you can utilise in your environment
  • Helps you understand growth trends, thus enabling you to better manage your IT budget
  • Promotes system stability and improves security
  • Helps you avoid system issues proactively

How SAP system health check works

Sap system health checks involve inspecting your system in some of the key areas like ensuring that the software is up-to-date, checking the adequacy of hardware resources, examining the system’s turning based on your workload pattern and many more. The health checks may differ in each system type like Java, ABAP, and BI, XI/Pi systems. The list of transactions used for the check also varies from customer to customer. Below is a guide on how to schedule health checks to run automatically in the background.

Procedure for planning automatic execution of system health check in background

You can automatically execute the system health check in regular intervals and receive a result report if you follow the following procedure.

In ABAP with Focus Run:

  • Launch the Focused Run Launchpad
  • Go to Advanced System Management and select System Management Guided Procedure
  • Select Guided Procedure Planning
  • Click on Create Plan
  • Choose the guided procedure you want to be scheduled in the background
  • Select step 2
  • Define your preferred scope filters. This determines the systems where you want to execute the plan. For example, if you choose “Application Server ABAP”, the GP shall be processed for all the ABAP systems. On the other hand, if you choose “Application Server ABAP and Customer ID”, the GP shall be processed for the ABAP systems of that particular customer.
  • Select Preview to check the systems before proceeding
  • Select step 3
  • Choose whether you want the GP to be processed in background at a given time or recurrently.
  • Go to step 4. Here you enter the recipients who should receive the email with the report attached once the background execution is done. You can also leave everything blank if no email should be sent.
  • Select Review and then click on Submit.

How to create specific customer’s health check guided procedure

  • Launch the Focused Run Launchpad
  • Go to Advanced System Management and select System Management Guided Procedure
  • If the new guided procedure is based on one in use, you can select the guided procedure. Likewise, you can select nothing if you wish to start from scratch.
  • The Click “Create Guided Procedure” button
  • Enter the data below:
    Provide the GP’s name and description
    Specify the customer’s ABAP package and its transport layer. You can choose “Temporary Package” if you don’t want to transport the GP.
    Set “Productive” flag
    Select OK